Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Missionary work is all about individual ministering

Sister Mom,

The Great North is great! We had a Canadian-wide broadcast with Elder Holland, Elder Perkins (area seventy I think) and President Eyring. It was really cool! The children were crazy so it was hard to hear but I got a lot out of it. Oh man. I didn't know your knee was that bad! I'm sure that after a bit of time and the surgery you will be back to normal. Ya, that would be super lame if you had stitches at the lake! That is super weird that kaylee is married now. haha I bet there were a ton of XC people haha...Ya, missionary work is all about individual ministering and administering. If you are not doing one, you are not doing the other. For example if you are there just to give a blessing to someone you lack the compassion to thoroughly complete the ministering and administration because the blessing will be lacking the Spirit. That's how I see it. I really like how Christadministered through ordonnances but was first and foremost a minister of the gospel. The scriptures said that he had compassion on them and then administered healing to them according to their faith. Anyways, that's that haha. I don't want to get carried away and write an essay haha. I really don't know what personal progress is other than it sort of like duty to God but harder. Questions (except number 4)!
1. Did you get a package lately? 
I'll get it tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked.
2. I realized that I judge your mission time by fast sundays, and you have 13 left! How do you judge time? Transfers? Months? snow storms???
Man, your way of counting is depressing- that's so little...13?? I count by transfers. I don't know how many I have left and I don't want to know. Pretty sure I stay until 2020 and then I'll extend for 20 years haha.
3. so I read online that rimouski is the farthest north that your mission goes, is that right? It was funny they were talking about the cold and they said as long your missionary doesn't serve there, then it isn't that cold. did is seem way colder there?
Yeah, Rimouski is the coldest because of wind. It's really not that bad. Except that one time it was like 100 km/hr winds!! I can say that now because it's over and next winter I probably won't be there haha.
5. We saw Megan at the reception, she leaves this wednesday for Toronto- any advice for a fellow canadian (okay I know that you are quebecois!!!) I told her to learn to love maple syrup, anything else? 
Dress warm! No I'm just kidding. She's going to Toronto? I'd say learn to love time management! That's really hard to do.
Well, I hope you have a great week!
Elder Kimzey

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