Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Halfway thru MTC

That's awesome that Carli did so well!  And Jacob ran how fast?(for you runners out there.. he ran a 1:04 half!)  You told me his paces but not his actual time or if you did it was off because they all started with a 4.  I kinda want to be switched to mandarin but like halfway through my mission.  That'd be awesome!!  That way I learn two of the three languages that I tried to learn before my mission!  French is going alright.  I know a lot but it's hard creating sentences and hearing people correctly especially when they talk fast!
  I found it interesting this week I asked my President how I could find out how to be easier on myself and he said to study Nephi's life and how he overcame being too hard on himself.  My first reaction was, "Nephi was like the most confident person ever!  This can't be right!"  Then I searched it on LDS.org and this talk came up called What Nephi Teaches about Overcoming Discouragement.  It was really interesting and I had never thought it about the way she explains it.  I feel that much closer to Nephi because I understand him!  It was really interesting she says "How is it possible that Nephi, who had spoken with angels and been a witness to the reality of the coming Christ, could have such feelings?  Perhaps it is the very depth of his testimony that makes his own failings so hard to bear:"  I thought that applied to me a lot.  I really just want to do what's right and please Heavenly Father that I just stress a ton about the things I'm not doing but then I remember in Nephi how His grace is sufficient for us when we do all that we can.   Also, figuring out how to be easy but not too easy on myself in striving to be better as a person and a missionary.  This week has been good but I feel like I have trouble recognizing the Spirit like I know only one way he speaks/communicates with me but I'm pretty sure there are more than one way and that I could be receiving more inspiration if I could only understand it.  I prayed to figure out/discern the Spirit but really I second guess myself because I don't know if I'm just making it up.  Of course I read Elder Oaks say that the Holy Ghost won't guide us in every little daily thing and that some things we just have to choose but I don't know which is which.  Any advice?  Well, it's good here but I find it mind-numbing and I'm looking for way to improve that.  It's really great and I love my mission!  It's weird how right I was I don't really mind all this change I actually enjoy it it's pretty awesome!  Well, I'll write the others now!
-Elder Kimzey the third (you, corey then me!)

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