Tuesday, August 13, 2013

writing emails at the MTC is like taking the ACT

Sorry, I didn't respond.  I thought I did!  You know you made fun of Corey for short letters but it's seriously like taking the ACT you have this timer at the top right that counts down!  It's soo much pressure!!
 But anyway, that's good that corey is doing well!  I'm trying to write long letters but really it's the samElder Hastings and I kind of messed up Sunday when we didn't turn in the agenda for the sacrament on time (we turned it in right before...our bad!)  
We have 5 districts and one has 18 Elders in it!!  And that district leader has already had (in the first week and a half) some pretty hard stuff to deal with!  (I'm not saying what because I'm not suppose to say)  I feel like he is pretty much a lone zone leader with that group because he is in a different building than us!  
Oh I want a combo scripture I can't remember the exact reference but first half is in Mark 5 and the other in Mark 9.  It goes like "Be not afraid only believe..."-"for anything is possible for them that believe"  I think that'd be amazing! 
 Ya having companions go home is rough.  I can't imagine!  I've always worried someone in our district would leave...that'd be sad! 
 Heard you almost finished the hot tub!  I can't wait to use it...in two years!  haha but time really flies.  I feel like I've hardly been here!  You are so busy about time you forget about time! 
 Oh ya they were good brownies!  The other missionaries and I like devoured most of our food we got from you!  I think the gold fish only lasted like a day and a half!
(asked elder kimzey if he has seen the infamous butterscotch tree) Oh I've seen it but haven't smelt it.  It really isn't a big deal to people here it doesn't seem like but I don't know.  I'll be honest I've only taken one picture but it was of my whole last zone!  It's pretty sweet I'll send it next week with explanations of who is who and stuff!! 
Ya I played four-square but the guys who play it pick on one of my elders (not like openly they just try to get him out and they show it by like signals with their eyebrows so I don't play anymore because it makes me mad.  I shoot basketballs and run because Elder Hastings is good at basketball!  He apparently is boss at football though.  Tell dad I will respond to him but it will be kind of short because I am running out of time!  Love you, Elder Kimzey the 2nd


Thanks for the letter!  Sorry this might be short but just remember the other things I've said in Carli's and Mom's emails are to you too!  I watched Becoming a Missionary video yesterday and it was kind of a slap to the face saying get into shape boy!  But I really like that quote.  It's been hard trying to just try to think about others I mean I do but not near as much as I should!  I know Christ would not think about himself as much as I do.  But Live and Learn I guess!  I'm glad you guys survived camping!  Sorry this is so short!  Have a good week!  -Elder Kimzey

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