Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Mtc Week #2- I'm use to doing hard stuff...do hard stuff

My favorite memory from camp has to be nerf sword fighting on the hill and xc testimony thingy!  Way to run fast!  I know you'll do the best you can this year running!  Just be patient some of the best runners took a year to get use to it!  Volleyball is the best!  We played it once at gym time here and I loved it!  Four square is really fun too!  I spend most of my time in a classroom but my district makes it hilarious and fun!  I haven't laughed so hard and this much for soo long!  You'd love it here!  People say it's hard but I'm use to doing hard stuff and hard stuff is fun so...DO HARD STUFF!  I only got to run once but it's no big deal I've only gained one or two pounds here.  I rowed today and it was super hard!  Ya I got your last one but I didn't get it until you were gone to xc camp so I thought I'd wait for you to come back.  My first investigator was Rafael and we 'baptized' him but he is our teacher now he was just faking it, but I got to share my story with him and the atonement and it was really cool.  I prayed once... then I opened to the First chapter of Enos.  And Enos asked God my question and God answered Because of thy faith in my only begotten who has yet to come or something like that so I have been strengthening my faith in him since I've been here.  My favorite Disney Movie has to be...Aladin.  and my favorite character was/is aladin.  My favorite year of running was my senior year because I stopped worrying and just ran for fun (not every race but the majority) then in track I started worrying again and it stunk so DON'T stress!  Running is fun!  Corey drug me out to run in the summer and i did it for soccer so I came and I grew to love it!  
Love you more than pie!
P.S. sorry I only answered your questions I don't have loads of time
Elder Kimzey  

Bonjour mon père! 
 comment allez-vous?  Je vais tres bien!  It's cool here!  Elder Hastings and I are the new Zone leaders!  We get 43 new missionaries Wednesday...yikes!  It'll be fun though!  I only new our zone leaders for a week (elder muller and elder palmer)  and they were so awesome!  Me and Elder hasting have the exact same birthday...weird!  He struggles with the language but I would too if I hadn't known a lot before!  He is a football player from Rexburg!  He's awesome!  Really time flies here!  No joke!  I can't believe we are coming up on two weeks I feel like I've been here two days!  I would tell you what I did day by day but really they all blend into like one day.  Elder Oaks daughter came and taught a devotional yesterday and it was super good!  She is like a world renown (i dont know if thats spelled right) violinist.  She talked about spiritual gifts and how we can strive and ask for them it was awesome!  Also we watched a video of Holland speaking in a devotional way back in the day.  He said that missionary work has never been easy and that it will never be easy, because 'salvation was never cheap!'  Also he said that it wasn't easy for Jesus in Gethsemane and Calgary so why should it be easy for us?  I thought that was really cool!  I forget sometimes that life is hard for a reason and doing the right thing was never easy.  I like the scripture (somewhere)  that narrow is the gate and straight is the way to salvation but wide is the gate to condemnation.
  Sorry I don't have a bunch of time to write you. 
 Respond in DearElder and I will write more I just don't have a lot of time sorry!
Love Elder Kimzey
No letter for maman (bummer- must have run out of time)

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