Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I leave next week...

 I forgot the DearElder letter that you sent so I don't know if I will answer all of your questions.  How's home?  Tell dad that this is for both of you because I think I'm low on time.  I'm glad the hot tub is working finally!  Sounds like it was a bizarre problem (I might use things like bizarre instead of weird because that's how it is in French).  I leave next week.  You probably know better than me when I call you.  It's either before 7:30 am (I leave at 7:30 on the plane) or when I arrive like 10 hours or so (estimation) later.  If I find out today I will send a quick email.  Tell Dad thanks for the random DearElder in the middle of the week!  I was the only one who got mail that day (we don't get a lot of mail mostly from family members).  
Oh by the way, did Michaels mom get a letter from him yet?  Time is really flying!  It's getting really hard to wake up in the morning though because I'm soo tired even though I got like 7 1/2 hours of sleep! 
 I'm glad you three are all running!  I don't get to run a lot but I ran Friday and I talked with one of our District leaders I didn't know for like 45 minutes and later he said that was really nice and cool of me to take the time to talk with someone that I didn't know.  I hadn't even thought about it at the time I just wanted to talk to someone while running because I was used to talking to people while I ran.  But it felt nice that someone complimented me. 
 Sometimes I feel like an outsider because I don't joke the same way that they joke but I laugh with them and stuff.  People seemed a little bit more agitated this week because I think they realize that they are going to the field soon.  I am nervous because I don't like to stop people when they are walking to stuff like I can do door approaches but contacting is hard for me so I think it'll be hard but I will grow so much! 
 I think my district has grown a lot sometimes they get distracted and stuff and they don't focus on the work but we have bonded really well and I'm giving them some slack...I just hope I'm not giving them too much!
  It's going to be weird being in another country and speaking another language but I think I have the language close enough.  I can say a lot of things and hear pretty well but obviously not perfectly.  We have in-field orientation this week so that'll be fun!  It's weird 3 weeks ago I looked at the people leaving our Zone and said "Wow!  They have been here a long time!"  But really it feels like it's been days since I arrived.  I mean I've learned a ton, but time really flies when you have something to concentrate on all the time!  Today I went to the temple and forgot to give back the little slip after I was done so when we got back to the residence I freaked out but we just ended up (Elder Noel and I) going to the Temple.  How was the hot tub?  Fun?  
It's stressful but a good stressful here (Eustress!)  Where you learn a lot because you need to!  I hope my first trainer is someone who works hard because if it isn't it's going to be really hard because I don't know the city or what exactly we are suppose to be doing all the time so cross your fingers!  This week has been good.  It's hard to find ways to apply principles and such because most of the time you are studying and I already love my district so it's hard to develop charity but sometimes when I get frustrated I apply it then. 
 Well, I love you guys!  Last week of the MTC!
Elder Kimzey III

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