Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Dear Mom,
I'm doing great!  No I didn't get your package and I'm sorry!  I feel bad you spent more to get it to me by Thursday!  That's alright though I will just appreciate it more when I get it!  Oh, I didn't go to Montreal I went to Quebec City for Zone Conference.  It was amazing!  Took about 4 hours to get there but it was SO worth it!  So much inspiration and guidance AND I got to talk one-on-one with my Mission President and he gave me some super cool advice!  He is an amazing person really.  I was in the MTC with his daughter actually...I was here Zone Leader...weird.  Carli is hauling!  I never thought she'd be so fast!  Well, I thought she could but now she is!  3rd on JV already??  Well, she might as well go for varsity at this point!  Ya, who was our next runner?  I think it'll be good for them.  It will kick them into gear.  Hopefully!  I wanna see pictures of a state winning team!  Just because I know they work so hard.   But tell her it's one of my bigger regrets with running.  Don't make the same mistake!  I could've been so much better and she can too.  
Ya, I was thinking that 'oh man dad will be by himself this conference' but then I thought, 'wait he only has to be only for one because Corey will be there...weird!'  So, that's really cool he will be there!  Too bad for him though I bet he wished his mission would never end! 

 Ya, conference was awesome.  I felt like almost every talk had something just for me.  And you know I gained a special love for conference before my mission because I listened to so many talks and I just felt like each time I found one it was directed at me somehow.  I liked the one by Elder Utchdorf in Priesthood and Elder Soares talk.  Both really were amazing for me personally.  I like the semi quote ( I won't say it's a quote because it might not be word for word) "Our destiny is not determined by how many times we fall, but how many times we rise up." It was really cool!  Oh ya, Elder/ Brother Dube's talk was awesome!  I liked when he quoted from Elder Holland "The past is to be learned FROM, not lived IN." 
 Ya, time flies when you're having fun! or at least working until you drop dead on your bed and fall asleep in you white shirt and tie...yes that happened to me haha.  I have to be able to train in like 7 weeks (not that I am going to train but I have to be able to) so that's scary, but I think I can do it if I put my hand to the plow and never look back!  Not much has been different other than Zone Conference, my interview with Pres. Patrick, and Conference, but those are all amazing!  Well, love you tons!
Elder CASEY Kimzey

Dear Dad,
    It was such a cool conference!  And really people tell you that time flies on your mission and you believe them but you don't even understand!  It's gone by SO fast!  But I've met some of the greatest people in the world in the process!  That's too bad about PVXC boys varsity.  But sometimes you got to get kicked in the rear to get going so maybe it will be good for them!  Carli did amazing though!  I can't believe how fast she is!  .... Sometimes I'm too short sighted to see that trials are a good thing in the long run!  Well, his mom doesn't need to be touched by what I said but what the Lord said!  I had no idea what I was saying in that blessing I just trusted the Lord to put the words in my mind and he did!  I will try but it's harder for me to remember specifics like that.  
I'm going to start memorizing more scriptures and things to help that.  Apparently, pres. Monson once promised some missionaries that if they memorized one scripture a day that they would have photographic memory by the end of their mission!  Oh how I could use that!  I know it might've been just a specific promise for them but it still would help me I think either way.  Ya, thoughts are hard for me, but I'm working day by day to fix them!  I'm just working on focusing on the good all around me, because as soon as I get stuck on the bad that's all I'm going to see.  I didn't get your package :( aw man now I feel bad you spent more!  I will just have to cherish it more when I get it next month!  It's been really great here.  There's the up and there's the downs but the ups are way bigger than the downs!  We are still working on finding less-actives and such so that's our focus here.  We have met some cool people, but they think we are Jehovah's Witnesses most of the time so they don't give us a chance.  Apparently Quebec has a lot of Jehovah's Witnesses!  So that's a bummer sometimes.  But it's still great!  People here are funny and unique and that's what makes it awesome!  It reminds me of what I would think Europe would be like, but with more twang to it haha.  Oh and they have milk in bags...weird, but hey doesn't matter to me!  Oh, I ate some ice cream yesterday and survived! (casey+milk= usually a bad combo so blessing of a mission, right?) I'm excited!  My companions great, the people are great, the Lord is great, life is great! 
Well, love you dad!  You're the best!  Keep up the hard work!  As 17 miracles girl says, "It'll all be worth it!"

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