Thursday, October 24, 2013

Knocking on doors is like a white elephant gift...

Bonjour Bonjour! 
 Comment ça va? Je vais très bien! Well, I would write all in French but then what good would that do? You'd put it into Google Translate and who knows what words it'll put into my mouth! haha Well, it's been a good week. We are really blessed out here in Rimouski! So many amazing things are happening it's ridiculous! Hmmm...ridiculous, old slang phrases...home slice is a classic. Oh, Elder Yan taught me the term "that's fresh" it's like that's cool. That could be easy to use! Oh the useful things you learn on missions haha:) Oh ya they should come down more often because then they actually write me! haha Just kidding. It was nice hearing from them though. So, how are you? Oh, I understand completely. If they want Texas Roadhouse they gotta put their shoulders to the wheelbarrow! How did the varsity boys do? I'm guessing they didn't win considering you didn't mention it. I'm glad Jason did well! He will be really good in track I can feel it! Tell him hi for me and thanks for all the good laughs in the car! Oh well tell James hi too :) Ya missions are super fun! You just meet all sorts of people and you really just understand people better! The fun thing is when you knock a door it's like a white elephant don't know what to expect! I've had some doors that just made me laugh and others send me into shock. But mostly laugh. I haven't laughed this much in a long time! It's! I've learned to just be the happy me that doesn't worry as much about what people are going to think of me. Still working on it because it's a weakness but hey c'est la vie! En tout cas, I know Dallin. Great guy! He'll do great! He was good at basketball. He's in your ward? I like President Utchdorfs talks. I can't find one that I don't like! (Ok I like all of the Apostles talks) Ya, you can't ever force people to do anything. Sad but true. You put the food down but you can't force them to eat just have a face full of food. My clothes are great! Maybe another sweater probably black. I enjoy black. Ya, it's like America. We shop at this cheap food store. It's a good place to buy fruits and stuff because they are really cheap. But everything else here is more European based. Like the apartment style of houses. They aren't like what you think would be in Metropolitan areas like Paris but other parts. He has around 1 month left...AHH don't scare me! I don't know what I'm going to do without him! Ya he's going back and playing football for them. But don't tell him I told you that. He doesn't like to talk about it because he wants to focus on his mission. So we say he has two years left haha:)
 Crazy! Of course Arsenal is going to win the one year I don't watch in like 6 years...but good for them! Who scores the most for them? Anyways, back to the more important stuff in life. Speaking is going well. I can understand most of what people say (basically everything) but then responding is harder right now. I'm in that awkward phase of understanding but not being able to speak well. It comes and goes though. Some rendez-vous I just have it and others I just can't say "comment ça va?" But that's the mission for ya! I am less anxious to talk to people yes. I still fight the feeling of just wanting to talk to members or less-actives. En tout cas, hmmm no not any funny language stories...not yet. I probably will have one this week because I'm going to speak more so I'll tell you next week! Well, my learning experience has been...oh man I have a ton...I learned that renewing our testimonies is the most important thing we can do because that's how we strengthen them. If our bases our weak, the Lord won't give us more. So, it's praying to know the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. I think we often think that once we got one answer it stays with us, but oh how easily that fades in our minds (sadly). So ya that's what I've learned! Wow, that was a long letter. Have a good week.
 Love you tons mom!
Elder Kimzey (Quebecois version)

t's starting to get cold! Next month, November, I think it will really start to drop! It's only going to get as cold as 0* C but that isn't too bad. That's like 33* F so not too frigid but the high's are like in the 40's F soo ya not toasty but Bienvenue à Quebec! Is BYU doing pretty well? I feel as if I need to root for them more now because my companions plays for them haha. Man, you've been a Bishop forever! So much sacrifice, but also so much blessings! Only 3 more years to go :) just kidding. Ya, it's amazing what people will just tell you just because they feel that your representatives of Jesus Christ. Missions are just...everything! They are fun, hard, tiring, comical (some things are just too funny that I just have to laugh afterwards), and DEFINITELY spiritual! But you can go on a mission and not be a missionary. So, I think being a missionary is key to really making it a difference. People here are basically like anyone you would meet in France. When you say just a friendly 'Bonjour comment ça va?' they look at you funny, but hey I like's them! That's one thing I've learned on my mission from Elder Heder. Somethings are! So love you! Ya, change if you have to but don't freak out because it's just you! How's Uncle Kyle and hunter doing by the way? You mentioned Uncle Kyle and it just made me think of them! It's really just amazing here. If I could tell you all the things I felt and have seen it would be awesome! But it's true what they always say. You can't ever express what a mission has meant to you in words. If you try they seem a lot less...amazing than they were no matter how eloquent of language you use! Oh man. Quebec...Rimouski! Good stuff! Oh we had thanksgiving here last week. It's not as big of a deal here. Basically just a day off of school and work for some. Not as fun, but everyone is getting ready for Halloween which is fun! Well, hope you have an amazing week dad! You're the best!

Love, Elder Kimzey of Rimouski! (I wonder how all of you pronounce that sometimes...haha)

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