Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Salut! (funny...literally mean salvation but it's hi) I'm sending more pictures today!!  A lot more.  I was frustrated last time.     I think the key to people is just showing them that you care and like taking the time for them.  Be patient and be in it for the long run. it was always those people that just loved me and spent the time to talk and joke around and just be a great friend/example were the ones that really changed my life.  
Carli is hauling this year!  Crazy!  haha Funny thing is it's going to get way colder than that here in Rimouski...oh dear!  I love testimonies..I have learned that over the summer and now here they're more powerful than anything. 

 My favorite attribute of Christ is Charity.  How he turns outward always and just thinks of others.  That's tough stuff!  But I know that when I forget myself I progress more and I just feel better.  But really that's only because I know I'm affecting someones life.  That's what I'm working on.  Like complimented my companion...oh man is that uncomfortable for me but it'll be a great tool for later and really make him feel better!  
Answering questions
 1.(loved your picture at the marina.  Is it at a lake? ocean?  looks really pretty...)

It's at a marina by the ocean/river.  We are in what's called the "Gaspé" or near it I think and so it opens to the ocean eventually it's soooo pretty out here I wish you could see the change of leaf color and the sunsets...oh man this is the place we NEED to visit plus I want to see the whales and I can't do it until I'm done because you have to go on a boat :( but that's too far away to think about because I'm never getting off my mission :) just kidding. 
 2.  (How is the language study?  Just try to understand a little more each day, right?)  Language is super good.  I need to just speak a tiny bit more in like casual conversation but baby steps!  By small and simple things are great things brought to pass!  
Poutine- fries, gravy, cheese curds, meat.
3.  (What is your favorite canadian thing to eat?)  Hmmm I haven't had a lot of poutine and that's the only Quebec thing I've eaten really, but it's pretty good!  You feel a little overwhelmed after but during it's amazing!  They have soooo many flavors it's crazy!  I want to try them ALL by the end :) 
 4.  (How is the weather?  Is it cold enough for a suit jacket?  coat?)  Weather is actually perfect.  It's not cold right now.  It was a little at the beginning of the week when it was raining constantly but now it's amazing...calm before the storm!  So, I actually wear short sleeves.  
5.  (Going to send a package this month...  any requests???)  I sent all my request to dad.  But send it soon because I won't get it for a long time if you don't...because all packages go to the mission home (send stuff there because I don't know if it'll come here or if it's the right address). And so we get that monthly.  But I'll be there thursday but who knows if you can or want to get it there by then..if you can't DON'T STRESS!  I'll get it next month :)  
Well, this week has been good.  I've gotten over my fear (almost all the way I mean there's a tiny tiny bit left) of talking to people and going door to door but we don't do that a ton anyways.  People here are amazing!  Love you tons!
Elder Kimzey III

Hey Dad!  
Thanks for news about Arsenal!  1-0 to the Arsenal!  (Just a saying)  Of course they are winning when I leave after 6 years of supporting!  Oh well.  That's good that they are doing well.  I personally didn't have a meeting but I believe our branch president did.  I like those quotes.  President Bangerter is an amazing man.  Almost as cool as my dad, but not quite there.  Is things as a bishop going well?  Probably stressful and tiring as usual.  Can't even imagine.  Well, thanks for all you've taught me!  It was always cool to know that I have a dad that's willing to do all you do like wake up at the wee hours of the morning just to study scriptures and teachings of prophets and things.  That was always something cool to me because you got home so late sometimes.  That takes a lot of discipline!  Pergola digging is hard!  It's not still scorching hot is it?  Because that made it harder!  Is the grass looking good?  Well, this week has been just amazing!  Just full of good memories.  The branch is growing stronger and stronger each week and I'm just SO excited to see it!  Their testimonies are young but their hearts are as pure as gold!  My Branch President is amazing.  He just gets things done and has so much of an authority when he is present!  Oh good I'm glad PV won.  Are they good this year?  Anyways, I'll be sending some cool pictures of the area and (wait for it) picture of just one of the DAILY AMAZING sunsets!
  Ah man I love Rimouski.  It's small but big enough!  L'oceanic is the local hockey team here and every game here the street is lined with cars that go to the game.  Local pride!  

Ya, I wasn't too rebellious.  I don't think that is me anyways.  Well, ya I had an attitude sometimes (forgive me haha) but I never felt like 'fighting the system' the system was there for a reason because it helps!  Anyways thanks for being amazing.  I know balancing work and church and family together is super hard but I'm glad you're my dad.  Wouldn't change it for anyone else.  Have an amazing week!  -Elder Kimzey 

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