Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Stake Conference


Comment ça va? Oh vous étiez prôche!(oh you were close) c'est RUH-MOO-SKI alors c'est presque le même!(it's RUH-Moo-ski but the rest is the same!) Anyways, the rest I will do in English :) AWWW they took 3rd! That's the awkward one where they should get a reward but they don't! Well, c'est la vie. But tell Byron congrats and tell him to imagine me freaking out for him! Who did he loose to? Ya they won't win state 2 years in a row...they got too smashed in JV didn't they? Plus we probably won anyways because they just copy us haha. Anyways, none of this negative smack talking what am I doing! I'm sure they worked hard to win it.
Oh they fun of paving! You know my nickname here is the paver? haha It's a long story and really is a you-have-to-be-there moments. Ya, that's one thing you learn here is that every contact is just bringing people one step closer to Christ. They may not be joining the Church lickidy split but they are closer.
C'est sept, huit est 8. (I couldn't remember the word in french for seven- it's Casey's dad's seventh tithing settlement this year)
1. When do you go into for packages? I get my packages Wednesday actually! We got a surprise text that we had Zone Conference this week! It is something we just laugh about now. Because we didn't plan for it mileage wise!
2.  What is your favorite new french word that you have learned? mmm...new French word. haha well say je doit admettre que a lot but that's a joke. Umm...Well I'll just say some phrases: Digadoo (I don't know how to spell it it's Quèbecois) is a response to how are you; Ça bouge? Means is it moving?; I don't know how to spell this so I'll give you the phonetics Poppi is like not bad so a response to how are you again. That's all I got off the top of my head.
3. Carli wants to know how you acheived your level of awesomeness (I had to laugh- is that not the best question from carli!) wesomeness...hmmm, constant inner peace, I drink the dew of a bamboo tree daily and laughing is vital to being awesome. haha Sorry I don't know how quite to respond to that!
4. What do you think is the biggest cultural change for you in the great north?well, everyone smokes! And people aren't openly friendly. That was the biggest thing. Saying hi to someone is pretty outrageous here. But that's alright it's the French culture coming out! I love it!
5. What do you love about the people there?  love how nice the members are! They are so awesome! I don't know specifics of why I love the people...I just do! And cool stories...well yesterday we had a fête for my companion and a less-active! That was really fun and we got a lot of teaching opportunities because it's a part-member family and the two sisters there were less-active so that was good! Oh and just relationships with people this week just clicked! That's always fun..people just trust you more and it's better for everyone. Well, I will try to bring one cool story next week because J'ai oublié toutes mes histoires de la semaine!(I forgot all my stories this week!) Bon, passez une très bonne semaine! (Have a good week!) Love you TONS!
Elder Kimzey

Hello! Quèbec is great! The language is coming and really I can participate in conversations! I mean I can't do anything complex but I'm learning so many words! That's what I've learned this week. Because I'm like a high performance personality I set unrealistic expectations and just end up failing all the time and really don't feel much achievement. BUT I learned this week just to take baby-steps and really not be afraid to mess-up a little! I mean I don't have to be an expert right from the start! Anyways, that's my lesson for the week personally. We taught 17 lessons this week and before here missionaries were teaching only a couple lessons a week. I guess my setting apart blessing is already being manifested! Crazy! I'm thankful everyday for how busy we are. It's mostly with less-actives but it's still the work of salvation! They are great though! You know how I said I would gain hardly any weight well I lied! Actually I don't even know how much exactly but I've gained about 7 lds or so so far but really winter hasn't even begun and people are feeding us like crazy now! That's alright though because if I hadn't gained any weight thus far I would be freezing! Plus I was so skinny and in shape that it'd be impossible to maintain on my mission! It really doesn't matter just a random tangent I guess! So how are you?
Oh ya Halloween is big here! People are getting ramped up for it! OK it's not like crazy big but it's like home a bit!
I like the temple stories. Temple is such a great place. We are preparing a couple returning members to go to the temple this week so that's cool! We had Stake Conference and an Area Seventy came and he spoke French which was cool but it's been 40 years so he had the most American accent and it was hard for him but it was amazing how much the Spirit helped him to remember! It was cool!
Arsenal is rolling! Well, here is amazing! Weeks fly by like days and days like hours and months seem like a week! It's so true!
Well, have a great week! Love you tons!

Elder Casey Kimzey

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